Plenary Lectures
Honored to introduce our plenary lecturers

Jaehoon Kim
Sungkyunkwan University
School of Chemical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, and SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology
Sungkyunkwan University
2066, Seobu-Ro, Jangan-Gu, Suwon, Gyeong Gi-Do, 16419,
Republic of Korea
Tel. & Fax: +82-31-299-4843/ +82-31-290-5889
Email: jaehoonkim@skku.edu
Short Bio
Jaehoon Kim received B.S. (1999) degree and M.S. (2001) degree in Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry from Hanyang University (Seoul, Korea), and M.S. (2003) and Ph.D. (2005) degrees from North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA) in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Advisors: Profs. Carbonell and DeSimone). After working as a National Research Council Research Associate at U.S. Army Research Office (Raleigh, NC, USA), he had worked at Supercritical Fluid Research Lab. at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, Seoul, Korea) in 2007–2013. At 2013, he became a professor at School of Chemical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering & SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU, Suwon, Korea). His field of study includes nano-material synthesis in supercritical fluids, nanostructured lithium and sodium battery materials, biofuel synthesis using supercritical fluids, catalytic biomass conversion into biochemicals, separation using supercritical fluids, and carbon dioxide conversion. He received “Prime Minister of Korea Award” sponsored by the Government of South Korea in 2012, “KIST Young Fellow Research Fellowship” sponsored by Korea Institute of Science and Technology in 2012, “The Most Outstanding Professor Award” sponsored by University of Science and Technology in 2013, and “SKKY Young Fellowship” sponsored by Sungkyunkwan University in 2019. He authored or co-authored more than 230 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and more than 60 patents.
Chie-Shaan Su
National Taipei University of Technology: Taipei Tech
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and Patent and Technology Transfer Center, National Taipei University of Technology: Taipei Tech.
1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei 10608 Taiwan
Email: cssu@ntut.edu.tw
Short Bio
Chie-Shaan Su is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and Director of the Patent and Technology Transfer Center at the National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech). His current research interests are (1) Particle design of fine chemicals using supercritical fluid technology; (2) Developing gas hydrate technology for CO2 separation and measuring the thermophysical properties of gas hydrate system; (3) Measurement and prediction of the solid solubility in the supercritical CO2. Chie-Shaan Su has received several awards, including the Taipei Tech Young Scientist Award and the Taipei Tech Engineering College Research Award. He is now the vice president of Taiwan Supercritical Fluid Association (TSCFA).

Ling Zhao
East China University of Science and Technology
School of Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, P. R. China
Short Bio
Prof. Ling Zhao received her Bachelor degree at 1990, Master degree at 1993 and Ph.D degree at 1999 in chemical engineering from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). She got KC Wong fellowship from UK Royal Society to be a visiting scholar in University of Birmingham during 2001-2003, then became a full professor at 2004 in ECUST. Her research interest involves polymer reaction engineering and supercritical fluid foaming polymer process, with more than 350 journal papers published and 46 invention patents authorized so far. She was the chief scientist of national key research and development program project ‘Lightweight technology for polymer materials’ during 2016-2021. She is the vice director of supercritical fluids committee in the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China. She is also the associate editor of Journal of Cellular Plastics, and the member of editorial board of The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research and several Chinese journals.
Akira Yoko
SRIS, Tohoku University
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University, Japan
Short Bio
Dr. Akira Yoko is Associate Professor of SRIS (International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart) in Tohoku University, Japan from 2024 April. After his Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Tokyo, Japan, he had studied in AIMR (Advanced Institute for Materials Research), Tohoku University as Research Associate (2017~), Assistant Professor (2018~), and Senior Assistant professor (2022~). The main target of the study is supercritical hydrothermal synthesis, nanoparticle processing and characterization, nanofluids, oxygen carrier materials and process, and synchrotron radiation study for nanoparticle process. The recent publication featured is “Fusion Growth and Extraordinary Distortion of Ultrasmall Metal Oxide Nanoparticles” in J. Am. Chem. Soc. He recently received “Nanoscale Horizons Award” from the Society of Nano Science and Technology in 2024 May. He is one of the members of the International Solvothermal Hydrothermal Association (ISHA) organizing ISHA seminar series.

Owen Catchpole
Callaghan Innovation
Food Processing Technology, Callaghan Innovation, 69 Gracefield Rd, Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand
Short Bio
Owen Catchpole is Chief Engineer for the Biotechnologies Group of Research and Development Solutions within Callaghan Innovation, New Zealand. He obtained a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the University of Canterbury (NZ) in 1986 and was then employed by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) to establish R&D capability in supercritical extraction. He obtained his PhD from Birmingham University UK in 1991, returning to New Zealand to rejoin Industrial Research Limited (IRL) which was formed out of the DSIR. In 1995/6 he helped establish New Zealand’s first commercial supercritical extraction plant. In 2006/7 his research led to ethanol co-solvent capability being added to the Nutrizeal (now Pharmalink Extracts Ltd) supercritical extraction plant. He is a Fellow of both Engineering NZ and the Royal Society of NZ, is an inventor on more than 60 patents covering extraction technologies and products and was recently awarded the Scott medal for Engineering Excellence. He has broad experience in R&D through to semi-commercial manufacture of high value products using advanced processing technologies using supercritical CO2, propane and dimethyl ether as solvents. His current major research programs are the ‘Bioresource Processing Alliance’ to recover value from by-product streams and ‘Cyber-Marine’ to design the fish processing factory of the future.